
  • All woodwork, includes walls, floors, outside panel and furniture is made of locally sourced oak - mainly from Jåsund a few km from Under. Designed by Snøhetta produced by Hamran( a local company)
  • Textile ceiling – is an art project made by Kvadrat (Denmark) in collaboration with Snøhetta it is supposed of enhancing the journey submersing under the sea. Therefore it starts with light white/red evening light colors and submersed gradually down to the green/blue ocean. Woowen in one piece and divided into acoustic panels by soft cell.
  • Inside steel work is raw black steel polished with olive oil, delivered by Stålesen Mek in Farsund.

Some of our partners on interior and cutlary etc

  • Hamran
  • Kvadrat
  • Norrøna
  • Grohe
  • NordicDoors
  • Bøthuns Bokverksted
  • Odd Standard
  • Trond Skog
  • Anette Krogstad
  • Ment
  • Skaugum
  • Cutipol
  • Lehman
  • Riedel
  • Zalto
  • Nortekstil